Early Thursday AM, 07/07 is the day to discover my book, UNREPORTED: Domestic Abuse is an UNREPORTED crime and Learning to L.I.V.E. free is a journey...
In my new Bestseller, I share my story of living through the domestic abuse for over forty years until I decided to stop accepting it. The stories in this book are an amalgamation of experiences from men and women who have been there too. We have all chosen to fight abuse and are now living wonderfully free lives.
Although both men and women can be abused, in most cases, the victims are women. Domestic violence knows no boundaries. It is a cancer. It does not discriminate against age, color, race, gender, financial status, education or sexual preference.
I am speaking out to let those who are in abusive relationships know that there is a better life out there for them. Through my book, I show victims how to break the abuse cycle and help them understand and believe that they truly deserve a life in freedom and self-love.
"We go to the gym when we want to get into physical shape. We also must try to achieve emotional shape as well as a good spiritual condition. I highly recommend this brilliantly written book to you all. I think that it is very important for us all. Love and Peace, always." ~ Oscar winner, Louis Gossett, Jr.
1. Thursday, 07/07, access the online Kindle or download version of the book for just US $0.99 for 24 hours only!
2. Write a brief review of the book or the preview after purchase. We are shooting for 5 stars!
3. Share this outstanding opportunity TODAY with friends.
Enjoy and let me know your thoughts about my new book.
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