Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 is going to be a good year!

 I plan on being good and kind, and accept only good and kind from others.

So far this year has been amazing in so many ways.   I have leaned that even though I may love someone, love my family and love my friends, I have the right and it is my job to hold on to my sanity, safety, values and happiness.

Most people have their own way of living and many may try to impose their views on you.  Even the good books you read have someone else’s views.  It is your job to take time and pay attention to your own feelings and do what feels right to you. It is fine to learn from other people’s teachings and experiences but it is your own experiences that count towards your life. Your character and integrity is what makes you the person that you are. Whether someone else is happy or proud of you does not matter as much as if you are happy with yourself and are proud of the person you are.

It is important to stand up for your rights and feelings.  Sometimes you may get the chance to help protect someone else whose basic rights are being threatened.  This is the time for you to stand up and do the right thing.  No one should has a right to hurt another human being.

It is only the first week of the New Year, and I have had to stand up for my rights as well as the rights of a young child. I am a grown woman and I understand that the choices I make have consequences. I can let someone take control and hurt me or I can take the control back in my hands and keep the promise to myself which is never to accept less than what’s good and kind.

But, children are innocent and helpless. If someone hurts them, they have no way to protect themselves especially if the people who hurt them are the same people who are supposed to be taking care and protecting them.  What can these children do and where can they go if their own homes are not safe for them? It should be our responsibility to pay attention and listen to children. Children are our future and need to be protected, not ignored or mistreated. Children need to be taught how to resolve disputes peacefully with words not anger and violence by the example from adults in their lives.

This year, I plan on being good and kind, and accept only good and kind from others.
2017 is going to be a good year! That is my goal! I will not let anyone tell me differently.

Monday, November 28, 2016


UNREPORTED is a book for increasing awareness about domestic abuse.
Through amazing real stories it provides a step by step guide for finding your
way to freedom.  To get your copy today, visit: UNREPORTED

Monday, November 21, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!

The last week of November is set aside for giving thanks to everyone and everything that has has been good to us in the whole year leading up to Thanksgiving Day. 

2016 has been a wonderful year for many reasons.               

Reason No. 1: I am in perfect health! 

Reason No. 2: I am in high spirits! Life is Good!

Reason No. 3: My sons and my mother are well and happy!

Life has been good to me.  The saying, “Be careful what you ask for, you might get it,” has proven true for me time and time again because the universe is ready and waiting to fulfill our sincerest wishes. And I have experienced that you have to be very specific when you ask. If you want to be thin, don't say 'I don't
want to be fat'. You might just gain fat. If you wish with all your heart and your intentions are good, things do happen. The universe is waiting for your wish and is ready and willing to bring what you command.

I am grateful for the Universe and everyone that has helped me this year to make my littlest wishes come true.  Today, I am grateful for the best producer who has come on board to help my son Rahul RAH Mahajan release his new CD, “JACKETS IN MALIBU.” I believe if the intentions are good and the wish is pure, combined with your best all-out effort, you can have anything you want.  Having a grateful attitude is not just necessary, it is imperative to receive and maintain blessings.

Be grateful for all the blessings this year! Be happy!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 14, 2016

I am a Mediator, a Peacemaker

by Veera Mahajan, M.D.R.
Master of Dispute Resolution
Spiritual Coach

I am a mediator, a peacemaker, and I am always looking for an alternative dispute resolution.  Conflict is an inevitable part of our lives when we’re interacting with other people on a daily basis. We don’t always know what the other person’s situation or mood is when we say or do something in their presence and we don’t know how it will affect them. It could make them happy or upset. Maybe they’re already upset at something else and their reaction has nothing to do with you. So, taking everything personally and pushing back aggressively without a thorough investigation may be unfair and could just make things worse.

Of course, we don’t roll over and let someone treat us badly, but fighting back, yelling or
reacting to someone else’s lack of self-control or tact isn’t the answer.  I believe if we take time to listen to each other’s grievances, we can figure out what might be bothering us below the surface or what we might be doing that is causing the conflict.  Sometimes just asking can be the answer.  Don’t ignore the situation: that usually doesn’t work.  Misunderstandings linger and conflicts can get bigger.

Sometimes the problem has nothing to do with what either one of us is doing or saying. Perhaps there is something completely unrelated to us that is causing tension. If we agree to communicate and trace our paths when things started getting uncomfortable, we can usually find out where or what the problem may be.

As an example, imagine two young boys who have started attending a new school.  They have an argument and end up in mediation. They have never been in mediation. They don’t know that mediation is unlike going to the Principal’s office where they have to either stay quiet, accept punishment or tell on someone else and get someone else in trouble. In mediation, they are encouraged to talk and tell their side of the story. They are given enough time to think, remember and communicate.  As they talk, they are reminded that their conversation is confidential and stays in that room. The purpose of mediation is to find a solution that helps all, not get someone in trouble.

During the short mediation session, these boys become sympathetic to one another, realize they both are anxious because they don’t understand the other students, some teachers, school rules or the school culture at large. Both boys were worried that they were not being accepted by peers, and that the teachers did not understand them. They realized they were ‘in the same boat’, being new in school. They agreed to watch out for each other and felt good that they had a choice to come to mediation if they find themselves in another conflict. They realized they didn’t have to fight, hit each other, get anyone else in trouble, or fear being sent to the Principal’s office.

What would you do if you had only one orange and two of your children are fighting over it? Would you scold them, not give either one the orange and punish them for fighting?  Or to be fair, would you cut the orange in half and give each of them one half? What if you later find out that one really wanted to eat the orange and the other really only needed the peel for a project and didn’t even like the orange.  Half a peel is found in the garbage and so is half the orange.

If we take the time to think, communicate and listen carefully to one another, we can figure out and satisfy our real needs. (And give all the peel to one and the whole orange to the other!)  That is the power of mediation.  That is my passion and that is what I do.  I am a mediator.  

Yes, it works in adult conflicts also!

Veera Mahajan
310 456 7935 or 248 961 3322

Monday, November 7, 2016

Our Cover story artist Anatole Krasnyansky honored at Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles.

I have been waiting to meet Anatole Krasnyansky ever since Malibu Chronicle did a cover story on his art and life 2 years ago. Since then, our writer Tommy Hawkins has been trying to have Anatole’s story told at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.

Finally, today was the day!  Tommy showed Anatole’s paintings and interviewed the artist at the museum in front
of a full house of curious and interested audience. Even though Anatole is elderly and was tired after meeting everyone during the reception hour, he gave a wonderful interview with Tommy. Tommy and Anatole have spent many hours together writing Anatole’s story and have become good friends. They are an amazing duo, an “Odd Couple” as they put it.

It was very rewarding when Tommy showed the audience the Malibu Chronicle issue with Anatole Kransyansky’s painting on the cover, and said it all started with that story. He also graciously introduced me as the Publisher of the magazine. I was so proud to have been a part of the story and able to help in some way that brought Anatole’s art and life to be honored at the amazing Museum of Tolerance.
This was my first experience at this museum, which is local and just off of Pico Blvd.  It is definitely worth visiting, and what better reason than to honor a great artist and man who was featured in our magazine.

Anatole would like me to do another, more complete story in Malibu Chronicle. I am looking forward to seeing more of his art and, hopefully, finding a way to bring one to my collection.

I love my job. I am grateful for all the amazing things I get to do and all the amazing people I get to meet! Life is good!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Went to Church after a long time! And enjoyed it!

Thanks Trish Steele for inviting me to go to “In His Presence Church” this Sunday. 

I grew up as a Christian in a Seventh Day Adventist Christian family. My family and I were regular churchgoers till I was about 10-12 years old when my dad moved out of the mission to start his private business. Even though I read the Bible and prayed through Christ every morning and night, including saying grace before every meal, church-going was optional. Over time, going to Church became less frequent.

I started becoming more universal, which I considered to be a good thing. I did not feel brain washed by the family tradition of Christian religion.  I made friends in all faiths and enjoyed their company and learned a lot of good things their faiths offered. I liked my life and my attitude of being more accepting and inclusive of all people and religions.  I still like that about myself.  I am very open to meeting and spending time with all people; their religious preference has never been a filter for me. I usually do not even ask or think about asking what religion someone belongs to.

I married a guy who came from a family that lived by Hindu philosophy, and he did not follow any religion
himself. He was cool about my Christian background and his non-religion did not affect me adversely.  So, I continued to pray through Christ pretty much all through my married life and our difference in faith never became a problem. Even through our divorce religion was not a source of conflict.

So, my conviction that there are good people in all religions became stronger over time. The fact that the Bible says you will go to hell if you do not accept Christ as your savior was becoming a question in my mind.  If there is actually a Heaven and a Hell to go to after death, how could all the amazing people in the world go to hell because they did not accept Christianity?  I do not want to believe that still.

The constant conflict over this one question and not going to church regularly, combined with my universal acceptance and spirituality, moved me farther from the church. Whenever I did go to church, many times I felt like the business aspect of most churches I went to made me feel like I was wasting the time and effort that I made to go to church.

In His Presence Church was different.  It was fun! It started like a rock concert with lively gospel songs. The preacher kept the sermon focused, informative and intelligent. It made me think and contemplate. It made sense. It did not feel like a lecture expecting obedience.

I dressed up in church proper attire. It was nice to be in a community where how you dress was not so important. Everyone was enjoying reading the Bible, singing and learning in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Church can actually be fun!


Thursday, October 27, 2016


Kunal, Monica, Rahul
Rubina, Veera, Supria, Ritika
Dave and Sonia (Married)
Kunal, Veera, Rahul
Rahul, Kunal
Ritika, Kunal, Sonia, Veera, Rahul
Dave leading Sonia in 'Phere' around the fire while the priest is praying and giving blessings