Wonderful things happen everyday
even though sometimes they are not clearly ‘in-your-face’ wonderful. If you
only take a few minutes and let the experience happen, you will see that
something positive will happen, either to enjoy now, or to learn something
about life so you can enjoy it in future. Sometimes it is there just to test
your choosing capabilities. Even if you have honed a trait, life will throw a
pop quiz to test your abilities just to see how good you really are.
A math teacher may think you know
your multiplication. She will not move you
to division until she is sure you
have mastered the multiplication skills. She will give you a few tests. Even
after you have passed all your tests and she graduates you to division, she may
still give you a challenge quiz just to make sure you have not forgotten all
you had learned so far.
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Life is just like that. Sometimes
people wonder and question why they keep repeating the same problems and
mistakes again and again. If we do not pay attention to the lessons that
we learn through life experiences, we have to repeat them over and over until
life is sure that we got what we needed to get out of it. So, if we really want
to move forward, have a better life and not go through the same problems, we need
to be more observant and pay attention to where we are today and what we are
doing here so we do not continue to make the same mistakes. Only then we can
move forward and graduate to bigger and better things and, of course, to new
mistakes and new lessons.
Life, after all, is a string of
experiences. Make sure the average of the experiences in that string is
positive in order to build a happy life. It is up to you and the choices you
make. Every choice you make today will have positive or negative consequences.
Let’s take time and not rush into things. Let’s enjoy our option to choose and
create the life we want for ourselves instead of letting things happen and
complaining later.
If it is not Fun, find out what
you can do to change that!
Life is to be Happy!
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