Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Just a Few Kind Words Can Make a Big Difference

I was working and watching TV at the same time as I sometimes do when I’m not in a hurry.  I like to laugh watching comedy shows like Friends, Seinfeld, Modern Family or serious shows like Law and Order and NCIS.  It’s nice to have the TV on just to glance up at once in a while and take a break.  Recently, I’ve realized the ads are the same no matter what shows you watch. Lately, I see ads that for some reason make fun of moms calling at very inappropriate times and doing silly noisy chores when their children are either sleeping, studying or busy in one way or the other.

I am a mother of two grown sons and we talk everyday.  I guess I don’t always know if they are busy when I call them just like they don’t know if I am busy when they call me. I expect them to tell me if they cannot talk. I hope they don’t feel I annoy them or bother them calling at inappropriate times. Watching these mom bashing ads didn’t help. I admit they were funny in the beginning, but then I started wondering if I am really annoying like the mothers in the ads.

Today, I decided, instead of calling my sons, I would text them to find out if it was a good time for them to talk.  Texts are easy in many ways. You don’t have to respond instantly and you don’t have to make the caller feel like you rejected their call. I sheepishly sent a text feeling a little bad about possibly being the mom on the ads inquiring if it was a good time, and just happened to mention that the ads had made me a little hesitant.

A few minutes later I received this beautiful message back from my son: “A busy time can be considered a bad time to talk to your mom because you want to give her more attention than you can at the moment, and that makes you feel bad.”  I was in awe! Wow! What a thoughtful message. I could not have felt better if he had time and could talk to me. I felt very loved and appreciated. I felt like a mom who has two wonderful sons who don’t think I’m annoying.

It’s fun to be a mom no matter how old and busy your children are!!

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