Monday, June 20, 2016

UNREPORTED - Domestic Abuse is an unreported crime. Learning to L.I.V.E. is a journey.

UNREPORTED is a self-help and a motivational book based on real stories from people who have lived the life of abuse.  Fictitious names are used in order to protect the identities of the actual persons.  Author, Veera Mahajan, used her life as an example in many parts of the testimonies in order to show what abuse is and how to get out of it. 

This book came out of author’s own divorce and her realization on the day of that divorce that she herself had never
lived a completely free life.  She knew she needed to learn how to live this free life, which she fought so hard to find. So, she interviewed many others who had lived in abuse, had escaped it, and are now living a free empowered life. After many interviews she came to understand that most people do not even know that they are living in an abusive relationship. Although many feel that there is only one kind of abuse, the actuality is that abuse comes in many forms.

Basically, if you are afraid of another human being and you are living under someone else’s control and they make you feel bad about yourself, then the life you are living is indeed an abusive one.  Veera also learned that most people continue to live in abuse because they are afraid to speak up and report abuse.  That is the primary reason that abusers incessantly get away with the hurt they inflict.  And sadly, most often, the abuse goes UNREPORTED.

The book, UNREPORTED, exposes different kinds of abuse.  It demonstrates and points to signs and red flags that should alert us all if we are living in an abusive relationship.  The author hopes to encourage victims of abuse everywhere to know that they deserve better, to drop the victim syndrome and do something about fixing or getting out of the abusive situation. 

Deciding to leave a relationship is hard but if you do decide to leave, this book will give you solid and candid information.  The advice within the lessons learned by the people in these pages will guide and support you with your resolve. The advice in UNREPORTED is the 20/20 hindsight from people who have been there and wish they knew then what they now know.  They are sharing their lives and lessons learned so that you do not feel alone and helpless as you are going through the process of ending an abusive relationship and preparing yourself for a better life. You are not alone. Here is the help available if you are ready to help yourself. 

Learning to L.I.V.E. is a journey.  L.I.V.E. Stands for: 

Learn to Love yourself 
Insist on Freedom
Victory over victim syndrome

Empowered Living. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a vital issue that simmers below the surface of too many relationships. Kudos to Veera for speaking up and helping others by telling her story. Often below the surface tension are real causes. Things a person has done they do not want their partner to find out about. Or just feeling they "own" their spouse. Basic communication is fundamental to resolution. There is hope. Thank you Veera.
