Opportunities come our way all the time. We have to be ready
to accept them and make the most of them.
We may not recognize them, and let them pass by.
I like to wake up early and start my day with a cup of tea
and some spiritual reading
even though I do not get to do it all the time. A long time ago, someone told me that the
angels come around early in the morning to see who is awake and ready for their
blessings, and if they see you still sleeping, they fly by and take the
blessings to someone else who is ready to appreciate and enjoy them. Those wise
words made a huge impression on me and still remind me, on the days when I am
too lazy to get out of bed, to start my day on a healthy note. Don’t get me
wrong, some days when I have done all that I need to do and I am caught up with
all my deadlines, I enjoy the luxury of staying in bed a little longer.
I want to share a simple story from my favorite book, Vedanta
Treatise. This story always reminds me
that the Universe does know better.
Once there were two brothers who wanted to grow olive trees.
One lived in the woods and the other in a cave. They both got two olive
saplings and planted them in front of their homes.
The one living in the woods made a nice topsoil bed for the
sapling and asked God for sun, rain and food for his plant. God granted him
sunshine, rain and healthy soil, but the plant over time still died. One day he went to visit his brother who
lived in the cave and saw his plant growing big and beautiful. He asked his brother how did his plant
survive so wonderfully in the middle of rocks?
His brother told him I just put the plant between two rocks and asked God
to take care of it. He told his brother, “I figured God made it, so he must know
how to take care of it. There was no point telling Him what my plant
Just like the brother in the cave, I feel I am living in
this world of surprises, so while I do what I have to everyday to make sure I
do my part and not be lazy or demanding of the Universe to take care of me, I
do believe the Universe knows what I need everyday.
In these last few weeks I have been working a lot trying to
close the Feb./March issue before I take off to India to receive the Hind
Rattan award on Jan 25th. I
was feeling tired physically and missing my workouts and massages. I have been
missing meals and eating at odd times.
All this was making me a little off-balance physically and emotionally,
but I didn’t complain because I have to do this every deadline for every issue
and especially this one since I will be leaving before the magazine comes out.
While my focus was on the magazine and deadlines, the
Universe knew I needed some TLC as well. So, a wonderful woman Alana Littler
called our Director of Sales Dawn McCarthy to invite the publisher of Malibu
Chronicle to enjoy a retreat they were holding in Malibu. I was able to accept the invite and attended the
I am so glad I went. I met the most wonderful people
including three beautiful women; Brooke from http://www.renewjuicery.com, Sophia from
http://spasophia.com and Laurel from http://sweetlaurel.com. They and their staff
put up a wonderful retreat. They took care of all the guests attending with
utmost care and respect. I learned a lot from them and I look forward to
working them in the future.
I highly recommend the raw organic juices and shakes from
Renew Juicery. Try the healthy and
delicious recipes from Sweet Laurel, and enjoy the different spa treatments and
skin care services from Spa Sophia.
I look forward to calling them when I get back from India. I
know I’ll need the wonderful care they are so capable of providing.
It feels good to enjoy the blessings when they come my
Thank you, Universe, and I thank all the people that these
blessings come through!
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