Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Key Elements for Solving Conflicts

Key Elements for Solving Conflicts

I sometimes wish grown people acted like grown people and not like children. 

Children who learn to resolve disputes peacefully will be able to deal with disagreements better when they grow up by using the skills they learned from their more peaceful role models.

One of the most important things in resolving disputes is to acknowledge it to yourself and not ignore it. 

Next, it is important to know with whom you have the conflict, and what your relationship is with them.

You have to find a calm, clear and peaceful way to communicate your grievance to the other party.

You must give the other party an opportunity to say their side.  You must listen peacefully, with the intention to understand what is being said. 

Most conflicts take place because of a simple misunderstanding. Misunderstandings only grow when grievances are ignored.   

Misunderstandings can be cleared and relationships can be salvaged if grown-ups act as mature adults. The same principles can be taught to children through good example.

Both parties must be willing to apologize if they realize they are in the wrong.

Everyone needs to keep an open mind and not judge anyone without knowing a definitive wrongdoing.

To achieve a peaceful lifestyle, it is important for everyone to remember author Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Principles:

1.     Be impeccable with your word.
2.     Don’t take anything personally.
3.     Don’t make assumptions.
4.     Always do your best.

Life is not as hard as we make it out to be with unnecessary dark clouds of complications from misunderstandings, assumptions and harsh words.

Let’s please revisit our part in the conflict and try to understand the other person before we take things too far and misbehave. Let’s keep the love alive, for ourselves and for others.  That is all that matters!


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