Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Wow! Surviving hanging from over the side of the hill! Literally!

This Monday started just like any other day or at least any other Monday with the alarm going off at 6:30am.  The first thing to do of course is to check my calendar on the phone to make sure I don’t miss anything on the day’s schedule.

As soon as I reached Malibu Diamond gym for my morning workout, I was shocked to find out that the gym was vandalized overnight. It was terrible to see the glass broken everywhere and finding out that someone broke into my home-away-from- home, where most of my mornings are spent.  As I finally got on the stepper and tried to get a workout, my son called with the saddest news. He had just found out that one of his childhood friends had suddenly died and no one knew why and how.
It was a little too much early in the morning. The sadness of losing a young life like that was unbearable and I had a good cry.

Somehow got through the workout and was driving home, slowly going up the hill as I enjoy driving every day.   Suddenly, I felt good as I saw my friend Hermine walking down the hill. I decided to stop and say hello. Hermine likes to talk. She likes to tell stories.  So to save her from standing in the middle of the road as she would normally do to tell me something, I decided to pull over onto a very narrow shoulder. NOT A GOOD IDEA.  PLEASE DO NOT EVER DO THAT ON A STEEP HILL OVERLOOKING A VERY LOW CANYON AND NOT IN A REGULAR LOW TIRE CAR. Well I did it and learned the hard way what a horrible mistake that was.

Once the story was finished and after a few laughs between friends and saying bye to Hermine, I tried to pull out onto the road again and the scariest thing happened. The tires were spinning but not willing to move forward, instead the car started slipping back and I realized I was very close to the edge and if I tried to move again the car could easily go over with me in it. If there was a chance to get out of this, I had to drive in reverse while staying very close to the road.  Problem is I AM NOT A
VERY GOOD REVERSE DRIVER.  Today, at this moment, when I am hanging over the edge, I so wished I had practiced driving in reverse.  IT WAS SO SCARY. I WAS TREMBLING, ALMOST PARALYZED AND STUCK TO THE SEAT.

Hermine tried to help. Then tried to flag someone driving up the hill for help. Finally a good Samaritan stopped. His name was Ron, and he tried to guide me in my reverse driving pursuit, but when he realized I might make a slight fatal mistake and drive right off the cliff, he offered to do it for me.  I put the car in park and somehow slid out of it. He took my seat and like a pro drove backwards hugging the road and eventually when I saw one tire coming back on the road I knew the danger was over and we will be fine.

I could not believe that time passed and I was actually driving back home.  I trembled and cried for almost three more hours. My body was so tight from shaking and my head was hurting.

Thank you JC for the tea and eggs to calm me down. It was an unbelievably interesting day for sure. 

Advise from Captain Chris McKernan, Firestation 71, Malibu.  In any car accident, get out of the car as soon as you can. Your safety is more important than the car. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

My book “UNREPORTED” made No. 1 International Bestseller!!

I am so excited and grateful and feel so blessed to have my work of love in my book “UNREPORTED” ranked No. 1 International Bestseller in the US, Canada, Australia and # 7 in UK.

It took my whole life to learn about domestic abuse, and the last 6 years to really understand why I had to go through it and what my purpose would be in
this world.

I have no regrets. I know what abuse is.  I know how it feels and I know that no one deserve to feel like that. I am sure and strong enough now that not only can I protect myself but I have built enough knowledge, empathy and skills to know that I am prepared to help others when I see someone suffering in an abusive situation.

As my son so profoundly reminded me just a couple of days ago, no matter how much I want to help and no matter how much it hurts me to see someone putting up with abuse or living in it, I cannot help unless that someone wants help or is ready to be helped. So, my job right now is to increase awareness about the cancer that an abusive relationship can be. My book UNREPORTED brings awareness to this subject and lets you know that when you are ready to break the cycle, there is help and you can escape.

Today I am living a life which proves there can be an amazing life after.  We just need to have courage to go find it.

I thank you all so much for making my book, “UNREPORTED” an International Bestseller.  Primarily I want you to know you are not alone. Reach out, there is help. And most importantly, the life you deserve to live is waiting for you. Go get it. Learn to L.I.V.E. that
free life.

Best wishes,


Thursday, July 7, 2016

UNREPORTED - Bestseller book launch


Early Thursday AM, 07/07 is the day to discover my book, UNREPORTED: Domestic Abuse is an UNREPORTED crime and Learning to L.I.V.E. free is a journey...

In my new Bestseller, I share my story of living through the  domestic abuse for over forty years until I decided to stop accepting it. The stories in this book are an amalgamation of experiences from men and women who have been there too. We have all chosen to fight abuse and are now living wonderfully free lives. 

Although both men and women can be abused, in most cases, the victims are women. Domestic violence knows no boundaries. It is a cancer. It does not discriminate against age, color, race, gender, financial status, education or sexual preference. 

I am speaking out to let those who are in abusive relationships know that there is a better life out there for them. Through my book, I show victims how to break the abuse cycle and help them understand and believe that they truly deserve a life in freedom and self-love.

"We go to the gym when we want to get into physical shape. We also must try to achieve emotional shape as well as a good spiritual condition. I highly recommend this brilliantly written book to you all. I think that it is very important for us all. Love and Peace, always." ~ Oscar winner, Louis Gossett, Jr.

Here is the link: www.amazon.com/dp/B01E9ZB29Y  

1. Thursday, 07/07, access the online Kindle or download version of the book for just US $0.99 for 24 hours only!
2. Write a brief review of the book or the preview after purchase. We are shooting for 5 stars!
3. Share this outstanding opportunity TODAY with friends.

Enjoy and let me know your thoughts about my new book.



Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Working hard to Be the Best Role Model to My Sons

I am a smart, intelligent, strong and a beautiful woman. I will not apologize for it. I live a free and empowered life in Malibu CA. 

I am the mother of two grown sons. Being a mother has been the best job I have ever had and would not trade it for anything. Since my sons are grown now and are living independent lives of their own, I don't have to do everyday things for them or even see them everyday, but my job as a mother is never done. I work hard to show them by example that living a life of self-respect takes effort and perseverance. It also takes knowing and believing that we are responsible for our own happiness.

We need and deserve to be happy and enjoy personal freedom 100% of the time - not once in a while. I will not allow anyone to hurt or make me feel bad about myself. It is my job to love myself so much that I never accept anything less than best for

I am a Mediator and a Peacemaker. 

I am the Publisher of Malibu Chronicle, a multi-media publication. I am also the author of the book titled “UNREPORTED”. My book is so-named because domestic abuse is an unreported crime whereas, Learning to L.I.V.E. is a journey we should strive for.  L.I.V.E. stands for Love yourself, Insist on freedom, Victory over Victim Syndrome and Empowered Being. 

I am happy to be living in peace and Universal love. When I was young my dad used to say, "She makes friends as she goes." I am glad that even though I’ve gone through all sorts of ups and downs in my life, my father was right, as I maintained my ability and passion for making friends as I go. I am usually happy and smiling. I love to dance and exercise. Most of all I love to work and be productive.

I try to be positive and unassuming. I believe everything happens for a reason and I am always looking for the lessons in all situations, so I can learn what I am supposed to learn and keep moving forward. 

I want to be a good role model for my sons because being a Mom is the job that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. 


Monday, June 27, 2016

Veera Mahajan, book launch!

I am always growing, stretching and finding important things to create in regards to my coaching and mediation business and expertise about thriving after domestic abuse … and I have a dream on my docket that I am excited to share with you!

I have written a new, powerful book regarding healing – did you know that you can?   The book has been under wraps for now; soon to be publicized – and I am letting YOU know about it first!

I am on the path to becoming a bestselling author.  It is my aim to spread the message of my book globally for the many people it will assist with a step-by-step guide to freedom from domestic abuse, and how to live a full life – free from bitterness or brokenness

If your life feels out of control and you long to experience happiness, this book is for you. Sound like something you can use?

My book has been a well-kept secret so I won’t share MUCH right now, however……

Please mark this date and information on your calendar:
Thursday, July 7: Veera Mahajan, book launch!

On July 7th I will announce the book title and special details. This is a book that I promise will contribute to your life.

             *  What will readers gain from this book?  
       *  Are you ready for a new form of freedom?
      *  How will this book serve as a catalyst in your life?

Will you help me to help you find a life of freedom?
Stay tuned for more about MY BIG BOOK LAUNCH and the road to making this dream come true!

Veera Mahajan

P.S. – Thank you for marking July 7th on your calendar.

Monday, June 20, 2016

UNREPORTED - Domestic Abuse is an unreported crime. Learning to L.I.V.E. is a journey.

UNREPORTED is a self-help and a motivational book based on real stories from people who have lived the life of abuse.  Fictitious names are used in order to protect the identities of the actual persons.  Author, Veera Mahajan, used her life as an example in many parts of the testimonies in order to show what abuse is and how to get out of it. 

This book came out of author’s own divorce and her realization on the day of that divorce that she herself had never
lived a completely free life.  She knew she needed to learn how to live this free life, which she fought so hard to find. So, she interviewed many others who had lived in abuse, had escaped it, and are now living a free empowered life. After many interviews she came to understand that most people do not even know that they are living in an abusive relationship. Although many feel that there is only one kind of abuse, the actuality is that abuse comes in many forms.

Basically, if you are afraid of another human being and you are living under someone else’s control and they make you feel bad about yourself, then the life you are living is indeed an abusive one.  Veera also learned that most people continue to live in abuse because they are afraid to speak up and report abuse.  That is the primary reason that abusers incessantly get away with the hurt they inflict.  And sadly, most often, the abuse goes UNREPORTED.

The book, UNREPORTED, exposes different kinds of abuse.  It demonstrates and points to signs and red flags that should alert us all if we are living in an abusive relationship.  The author hopes to encourage victims of abuse everywhere to know that they deserve better, to drop the victim syndrome and do something about fixing or getting out of the abusive situation. 

Deciding to leave a relationship is hard but if you do decide to leave, this book will give you solid and candid information.  The advice within the lessons learned by the people in these pages will guide and support you with your resolve. The advice in UNREPORTED is the 20/20 hindsight from people who have been there and wish they knew then what they now know.  They are sharing their lives and lessons learned so that you do not feel alone and helpless as you are going through the process of ending an abusive relationship and preparing yourself for a better life. You are not alone. Here is the help available if you are ready to help yourself. 

Learning to L.I.V.E. is a journey.  L.I.V.E. Stands for: 

Learn to Love yourself 
Insist on Freedom
Victory over victim syndrome

Empowered Living. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Decisions are only as Good as the Follow Through

One of the hardest decisions you will ever make is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.   It is especially hard to make tough decisions about the people in your life. At some point, you have to decide that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life. 

It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your Happiness a priority. It is necessary. 

You know you have made the right decision when there is peace in your heart. Do not second-guess your instincts. Sticking to your decision is very important for any decision to work for you.

The right choices are always the hardest to make, but they have to be made to live the life we deserve.   Sometimes the hardest things and the right things are the same. 

The hard thing is not only making the decision, but the thinking about the reasons you made that
decision and the results you expect to have from that decision.

The decisions are hard to make when you have to choose between where you were and who you want to be, and where you should be.  That’s why it’s important to think a lot before you make a decision. Weigh all the pros and cons. 

Don’t be quick to make a decision, but once you have made a decision, for all the reasons mentioned above, it is important to stick to that decision. 

After going through the difficult task of making a tough decision, if you don’t follow through, the whole painful decision-making process will go to waste and you will be back to square one, wishing you had stuck with the decision. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

I Will Never Take My Freedom for Granted

Today as I wake up I feel blessed to be an American and free! I am thankful to our soldiers who lived and died for our country so that we can continue to enjoy living the free and empowered life. We will always be in debt to them. We should always remember that we have the life we do because of their sacrifices. I am living a good life and I am remembering everyone who worked hard far beyond their comfort zone to give me this life.  I hope to also do my part to make this world a better place.
God bless our soldiers!


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I am a Graduate! It wasn’t easy but I did it!

Yes, I finally graduated with cap, gown and master’s hood. I walked the walk with the class of 2016 at Pepperdine Law School, Straus Institute onto the stage overlooking the beautiful ocean view to receive my diploma certifying that I am a Master of Dispute Resolution. 

Some days in the last two years were difficult juggling classes, exams and magazine deadlines. I want to thank Prof. Tim Pownall who kept me going when I wanted to quit, and Joanna and Randy at the Straus office who answered all my questions and stayed with me when I was panicking.  I also want to thank my sons Kunal and Rahul for always supporting me. I can’t believe my mom who came here for my graduation, even when she was not well. It was nice to see her so happy to see me graduate. I feel blessed and so loved by all my friends and my FB friends for their wishes and support. 

I know I said a couple of months ago that I graduated when I finished all my class work and was done with exams and homework. For all practical purposes I feel I graduated then, but I still had to finish my internship, or as Pepperdine calls it, Externship. Externships are really good for real life experience and preparation I needed to work as a mediator and arbitrator.  Mediation Clinic was another very important program offered at Pepperdine where we use our skill in actual courts to resolve real life disputes though mediation. I am proud to say, I had a 90% success rate during my time in mediation at these courts cases. It is a great feeling when I am able to help two parties resolve a dispute and salvage relationships.

I was always a peacemaker, but now I am a trained peacemaker with the best skill set possible. Pepperdine’s M.D.R. program has been ranked No.1 in the nation for the last 13 years. I am looking forward to using all I have learned at Pepperdine to make this world, or at least our community, a much more peaceful and tolerant place to live and grow. 

I am currently working at Our Lady of Malibu School.  I am excited about my work there because I feel great that I am able to teach the students from a young age how to use words instead of anger and violence to resolve conflicts. The children are learning to listen and put themselves in other’s shoes so that they realize hurting others also makes the hurt and pain grow in themselves. As one of the students after our mediation sessions said, “As I am learning to have better relationships, I am realizing that it is also helping me in my academics.”  I feel so blessed to be part of this transformation. 

As happy as I am to be done with two years of hard work at Pepperdine while continuing to work on the Malibu Chronicle magazine, I’m happy to have become more peaceful and happy myself. I use the mediation skills in my own life as much as possible.  Even though conflicts are a natural part of life, I hope I will be able to resolve most disputes easily and peacefully while maintaining the respect for myself and for my opponents. I feel more confident in navigating my way through life because I have learned better skills for negotiation and mediation. 

I am not a fighter; I am a mediator and peacemaker!

Veera Mahajan, M.D.R.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

People Come Into Your Life For A Reason.

I believe we don’t meet people by mistake or an accident. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason. We might figure out that reason very quickly, learn the lessons we are supposed to learn from each other, and move on to the next step in our growth. Or it could take a lifetime to understand the reasons we crossed paths. Sometimes we end up hurting others and ourselves because we are unable or unwilling to learn the lesson. We blame each other for our misery instead of paying attention to what feelings are triggered and what we need to do to deal with the person or situation. If we pay closer attention to our own feelings, maybe we will learn that honoring ourselves is the lesson that we have to learn from a particular relationship. Maybe we are in a relationship with someone who needs us to be more empowered, and the only way we would feel the need to be empowered and do something about it had to come from the challenges of being with that person. 

My experience has been that the people in our lives come to us because there is something in our own lives and ourselves that we need to learn to become a better person. People in our lives, as challenging they may be, are there to help us grow stronger and smarter to fulfill our life purposes. 

My whole life, from my childhood to just a few years ago, taught me how to feel in difficult and uneven relationships. I always felt a sad and uncomfortable feeling like I could do more but I couldn’t. I always needed someone else’s approval, which was not always available. Even though I did a lot in my life, I always felt I could do more. I always felt I was not living my life fully or freely.  I was only able to move forward and live the wonderful free life of amazing growth when I decided to say NO to being controlled and scared. I had to make drastic changes in my own behavior. I had to endure many difficulties to be able to become the person I am today.  There was a time when I complained and felt hurt by the people in my life, but I now realize and understand that they were important in my life to do what was their job in my life. They came into my life to teach me the lessons I needed to learn. 

I am thankful for everyone who came into my life to help me carve my beautiful life that I enjoy today!

I am happy and free! Life is good!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Being a Mother and a Daughter

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and daughters!

Mother’s Day is especially important to me because I am a mother and a daughter.
I worry about my mother as much as I worry about my sons, sometimes more for my mother than my sons.

It is interesting that a time comes in your life when your children are grown and starting their new lives. You worry about your children, but you stand back and watch them struggle for things they want. This is okay because you know you went through the same thing at their age. It is good for
them to fetch for themselves and carve their own lives. It can be difficult to hold back and not roll the red carpet in their path, and let them explore their options on their own. We try as parents to stay in the sidelines, ready to catch them if they fall. As anyone who is a parent knows, once you are a parent, you are a parent forever, and worrying for your children comes with the job description.

At the same time your children are growing and struggling young adults, your parents are at an age where they are struggling because they are getting older and they need your help.  They try to make it on their own, but you know they are weak, tired or just forgetful to manage their everyday lives on their own. Their situation is completely opposite your child’s.  However, you are in the middle worrying about your children and your parents.

Today, I am gratified to see my two sons doing well and growing in the work they love, enjoying the
company of their friends.  It makes me happy and proud to see my sons work hard and succeed.  They are on their way up in the world.  It is all good!
I worry about my mom, as she is enduring a painful and slow recovery from her knee surgery.  I am graduating in a couple of weeks and she wants to be part of that, but I worry that a gap in therapy might be bad for her recovery progress.

I see myself always shifting gears between being a mother and a daughter! Either way I worry, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!  I love being a mother and I love being a daughter.



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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Set your boundaries and stick with them.

For any healthy relationship, may it be a romantic one or with a friend or a grown child, it is important to set boundaries for what makes you feel good and respected in a relationship. Realize that everyone is different and you have your own feelings. No one should be allowed to push themselves on you or expect anything, including your time, unless you are happy with the arrangement. You have to first know how you are different from others and where your discomfort starts. Everyone has their own way of living, giving and accepting things or emotions. You are responsible for your things and emotions. You have the right to have them and not share or be hurt by someone else crossing a line causing you to feel pressured or bad. 

To be able to communicate your boundaries to someone else let alone having them respect your boundaries, you have to first know what those boundaries are, meaning when you don’t like it anymore and are uncomfortable.  To know what makes you uncomfortable you have to pay attention to your feelings and not ignore them. You have to respect yourself and your feelings before you ask or expect someone else to respect your feelings or boundaries. 

Once you figure out your boundaries, you need to communicate in words and make sure they are heard. If they are not heard you many need to show by actions. You cannot set some weak boundaries in your head and let people push them and not respect them. Once you decide to set a boundary, make sure you do not waiver and move them because some one pushes back. If someone gives you a push back when you have clearly communicated your boundary, they are obviously not respecting you or your feelings. Do not give in - otherwise you are showing weakness in yourself and your boundaries. 

You teach people how to respect you by respecting yourself and holding your ground even when people want to push your boundaries. Don’t allow people into your space where you are uncomfortable. 

As soon as you feel uncomfortable and unhappy, you know you have to set a boundary that only you decide if you want to change. Expect people to respect you and your boundaries and enforce them by standing your ground. Do not argue about the reason or the extent of space you need to your self. NO is a full sentence and use it whenever you need to communicate and enforce your need for space. 

When you get stronger and surer about your boundaries there is always a possibility that you might get a push back from others or you might even feel guilty.  Remember taking care of yourself is your right and duty and you are not wrong for setting clear boundaries and expecting people to respect them and you. This is one of the ways you take care of your self.  By setting boundaries you show others that you are grounded in your beliefs and you know what you want and don’t want. That is a powerful stance and you deserve to live an empowered life. 

If setting the boundary causes a backlash, or stay strong and focus on taking care of yourself. Go for a walk, exercise, or find something to do that makes you happy. Do something to re-center yourself and don’t spend too much time and energy focusing on what others say or do. 

Without healthy and strong boundaries we are always blaming others for hurting or disrespecting us when the fact is that we hurt ourselves when we only allow ourselves weak or no boundaries.

Know and set your boundaries and then stick to them. 


To purchase a copy click here:

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Contemplate, make a decision, and don’t second-guess yourself.

Decisions are the hardest thing to do when it’s the choice between what is good for you and what you may want.  So it is always a good idea to take time, and weigh the pros and cons before you make a final decision. It’s good to not base your decisions solely on your likes or wants. If we did everything based on what we want or like, even when choosing what we eat, we would not be making good decisions for our health. We have to make tough choices and decisions for better and healthy bodies. It is true in everything else we do in life. 

One of the most important things I’ve learned is that life is full of decision-making. Life brings us to a fork in the road many times and we have to make a choice about which road to take. Sometimes the road we have to take doesn’t look like the most comfortable one, but the decisions we make and choices we make shape our lives. 

Whatever you decide, make sure in the end it makes you feel good about yourself and happy.  When your values are clear about what
you want in life and what kind of person you want to be, decision-making becomes easy. The right decisions are the hardest to make, but you have to do that if you want to have the kind of life you want and deserve.

Sometimes you might feel like you failed yourself by going back on your decisions. Don’t feel bad and don’t give up. Keep making the hard choices and keep doing what is right for you. Stay firm on your values and don’t compromise. Making mistakes and fixing them is part of life. Living is a constant process of deciding what to do for our growth and happiness.  All accomplishments happen with a decision to try. 

Don’t let your emotions make your decisions. Don’t make big decisions when you’re too happy or too sad. Use your intellect and calm collected mind. If your intellect is not fully present, borrow someone else’s that you can trust.  Ask for a counsel. Remember you can’t make progress without making and sticking to your decisions. Keep trying till it becomes second nature. The more you start depending on and loving your decisions, the less you will have to depend on others or wait for others to love your decisions.  

In relationships, do what you feel is right in your heart.  If something or someone does not feel right and is not good for your growth or happiness in the long run, don’t take too long to make that hard decision.  Sometimes being undecided is harder than making a wrong decision. “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get anything done,” Bruce Lee once said.  At some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life. 

Every decision you make should take you closer to your goal.  You will know you have made the right decision when, despite making the hardest choice, your heart is a peace. Often, the hardest decision you make leads you to an easier life. 

Remember, you are the CEO of your life. It is your responsibility to make the executive decisions, including whom to let go or keep in your life.  Once you have made the decision, don’t look back. Make it work.  You can’t expect a change if you don’t make one. Once you make a decision to take care of yourself, the universe will conspire to make it happen. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, helps you grow, or makes you happy.  

Above all, be the hero of your life, not the victim, and enjoy the life you deserve!





Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Take Some Time to Clear Your Mind

I have been very busy lately with the magazine, my school, and mediations, and figuring out relationships. Haha! Figuring out relationships in itself is complicated and time consuming because it consumes all your emotions.

If you are overwhelmed with emotional decision-making it seems to take over everything else. You feel like you are running through time doing things while your mind and heart are stuck in time. When you find yourself in that space, I think it is good to physically move away for some time to give yourself room to clear your head and quiet your mind so you may realize what is good for you.

This weekend was perfect for clearing my head.  The new magazine had just come out, schoolwork was done, and no mediations were scheduled. It was a perfect time to take a break and go over my own internal mediation that I had been putting off. It’s good to have that talk with my inner Self every so often to find inner resolution and make peace with my Self.

I had an opportunity to visit some friends in Florida and spend time with our MC designer Tatiana. It gave me a much-needed break from an everyday busy schedule and a chance to just chill. I had to overcome my personal challenge and restrain myself from finding work. I realize that I am such a workaholic that I find work wherever I go. Please don't feel bad for me because I do enjoy working!

I also realize and accept that every so often I do need some time away from work to clear my head, to make right choices for myself, and to reconfigure the choices I have made so far that keep me so busy. It is all good!

All in all, I had a wonderful weekend in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and I am on my way back to beautiful Malibu with a fresh and rested mind to take on life and whatever it brings my way.

Life is good!! It smiles back at you when you greet it with a smile!

Keep smiling!



Monday, April 4, 2016

Be someone that makes you happy!

It is important to be happy with ourselves, our decision and our solitude. It is important to like ourselves enough so say no to any one who does not make you happy. If you have to walk away form someone that is not making you happy it is OKAY. It s better to be alone than to stay with someone that make you afraid, uncomfortable or unhappy. 
Before looking for someone else you want to be with, be the one that you want to be with. 
